Monday, May 25, 2009

Paris Days 5 through 7: May 22nd—May 24th, 2009

The Nourallah's Last Day, The Sleeping Sickness and Mercury in Retrograde.

We awoke Friday to no hot water (see previous post on my decision to shut off that circuit). Whoops! We have since learned that the buzzing is in fact the timer that heats the electric water heater each night and have learned to leave that switch alone.

Cody, in the mean time, had come down with Salim's strange 3 day sickness and was none to happy about not being able to take a hot shower. I was annoyed, but decided to make do by heating up the tea kettle and a big pot of water, both of which I hauled to the bathroom and proceeded to take a sort of sauna/sponge bath. Old school but effective. I called over to Chez Jayme and company and they kindly offered their shower to Cody, who had fallen back asleep and was not to be budged. We decided it was best to have Cody stay at home and sleep and shower later in the day, since that is what he was doing anyhow.

I headed out across the Marais to meet the gang at the Musée de la Poupée. Along the way I heard my name being called and saw our friends Jacky and Flo outside a thai place we all like. I hadn't seen them in 2 years and it felt wonderful to see them again. We chatted for a few, made plans to meet up on Saturday and I continued on to the doll museuem.

Jayme and I were not to be thwarted again. This time the doors were wide open and all the centuries-old beady eyed dolls welcomed us in all their creepy, dusty, and musty glory. I am not sure it was worth the 7 Euro entry fee, but I am glad we checked that one off the list.

We then headed out to Montmarte, which unfortunately was where everyone else was heading too, to take advantage of the outrageously beautiful spring weather. We headed up the hill to Sacre Coeur. Jayme, Gavin and I decided a ride on the carousel was just the ticket and on we clambered, spinning round to the sounds of Edith Piaf on an ancient horses and benches, while eating little chocolate cupcakes. I had a perfect moment just then and it was divine. We hung out a bit longer on the grass below the church and then headed off to Place Madeline for some fancy bathroom viewing (there is the most beautiful public restrooms here) and some fancy mustard at the Maille shop. I hadn't really eaten so we tried to find a café near Opera with no luck. We sat down at one, where they shoved into a musty old booth and then handed us the menu, which was super pricey (I saw a few things at over 100 Euros) and super beefy and not at all what we had in mind. We awkwardly hightailed it out of there and just decided to go the Tuileries for a while. I attempted to get a snack at the café there too, but the waitress just ignored me. Oh lo lo. But I didn't care. The day was just too nice and I was with friends I love dearly.

We finally headed back to their apartment where Cody met us, after sleeping all day, so he could take a shower. The Nourallahs packed up and then we all headed out to a neighborhood Italian place, where the food was good, but the service was terrible. The waitress screwed up our order (and everyone else's in the restaurant), but eventually we got it (mostly) sorted out. We finally got out of there and headed to the river Seine for a night boat tour on the Seine. The night cruise was fantastic, save the drunk teenager that decided to piss off a bridge on to the heads of some poor Japanese tourists. That moment was awful, but seeing the monuments lit up magically from the Seine was something special.

We sadly parted ways with our friends and collapsed into bed. Cody woke up, still very tired and a bit stuffy. He stayed in bed most of the day while I attempted to fix the laptop that had been freezing for no reason. I finally gave up and went to meet Jacky for lunch while Cody slept. We caught up over delicious hot chocolate for Jacky and a Salade Lyonnaise for me.

I headed back home and messed with the computer some more. Cody was feeling a bit better and we decided to go out for dinner. We tried a place called Café Briezh, which serves the most divine Breton style crepes and cider. Our food tasted amazing, with dessert taking the prize for best salted caramel crepe ever!

We headed back home for a good nights sleep and when I woke up I was feeling tired and bit stuffy while Cody was feeling better. Never mind, I was determined to go to Marché Richar LeNoir and buy fresh fruit, eggs, cheese and veggies. That we did, though they day was hot and sultry. We purchased some amazing home made brie, a whole sac au marché full of fruit and veggies and some fantastic fresh bread and chouquettes. We also went to Marché d' Aligre and then headed home.

I ended up sleeping the better part of the day upon our return and woke up just in time to go eat dinner with Flo and Jacky, who had brought 6 different kinds of goat cheese from the country to share with us. The cheese, company and wine were fine and Cody and I walked the 3 blocks home feeling fortified and that maybe the sleeping sickness had been cured with cheese and wine. I wanted to photograph our cheesy repast, but my steady little Canon decided to give up the ghost yesterday. I am so done with Mercury being in retrograde. I think it ends this week and hopefully all the communication and mechanical breakdowns will cease.

But we are in Paris, so all of these little annoyances matter little in this wonderfully, magical city, that I am so privileged to visit with my true love and partner in life as often as we do.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Sweet, sweet post.